Computer Usage Policy

Internet Services



The Ocmulgee Regional Library System provides Internet services for all members of the region and PINES library card holders. The region also offers guest Internet passes for out-of-state visitors who are in need of using the Internet.


Below is the region’s Internet Use Agreement. Any person using the Internet must agree to and abide by the agreement.


Ocmulgee Regional Library System Guidelines for Computer and Internet Use January 2008


The Ocmulgee Regional Library System recognizes the enormous and ongoing demand for Internet access using our public access computer facilities. Library staff members are available to assist patrons in accessing the Internet and to provide assistance in attaining the patron’s goals for computer and Internet use. To insure that everyone has a positive and productive experience with this service, the Library requests that patrons utilize the following guidelines:


1. The Ocmulgee Regional Library System’s Customer Code of Conduct applies to use of library computers. As stated in the Code, “Any unlawful or disruptive activity is prohibited on library property and may be subject to appropriate and necessary action…harassment of library staff or patrons is prohibited on library property.” Patrons who violate this policy while using computers may be asked to end their Internet session and/or leave the library.


2. The Library does not accept advance reservations for computers. They are available on a first come, first served basis. To use the computers, patrons must have a valid PINES card. Visitors to the area may use the computers with a special GUEST pass. A time limit of 30 minutes per session is enforced if other patrons are waiting.


3. Printing from computers is permitted, at a cost of 25 cents per page.


4. The Library allows the use of the following external devices on computers: Floppy disks, CD-ROMs and Flash/jump drives. The Library does not allow the connection of personal equipment (i.e. laptops) to the library’s network. The Library does not sell floppy disks and is unable to provide any for patron use. CD-ROM use is read-only—our computers do not offer CD burning capabilities.


5. Destruction of library computers or equipment is prohibited. Any alteration of existing hardware or software configurations or malicious damage to equipment or software is prohibited and may result in suspension computer/Internet privileges and/or expulsion from the library.


6. Internet use is subject to all applicable laws. Patrons using library computers for illegal activities are subject to prosecution by local, state and federal authorities.


7. The Library and its staff are not liable for any damage to personal equipment or files used on library computers.


8. Patrons should notify library staff about any problems encountered while using library computers. Patrons should not turn off equipment or attempt to correct any equipment problem.


9. In libraries with separate children’s areas, computers located there are designated for use by children and their caregivers. Adult patrons will be assigned computers located in adult service areas. Exceptions may be made in order for patrons to access computers in a timely manner.


10. As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Library has implemented filtering software on all Internet accessible computers. Parents or caregivers must assume responsibility for monitoring and supervising children’s access to Internet resources.


11. Patrons must comply with copyright laws and all other applicable laws while using library computers. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in loss of library privileges and/or expulsion from the library.


12. The Library assumes no responsibility, direct or indirect, arising from use of its computers and network.


13. The Internet is not subject to any form of regulation and provides access to sites that some patrons may find offensive, controversial, inaccurate or unverified. The Library does not control information on the Internet and cannot be held responsible for content or availability of information.


14. Viewing certain material in prohibited, filtered categories (i.e. pornography and illegal subject matter) on a library computer is considered “disruptive behavior” as described in the Code of Conduct. Patrons viewing inadmissible material on the Internet will be asked to end their Internet session and may be asked to leave the library.


The Library encourages patrons to discuss this and other policies and to provide feedback relating to their effectiveness.


Wireless Network Connections Tutorials


The Ocmulgee Regional Library System is very happy to provide wireless Internet to its patrons throughout the region. The service is offered at no charge, and a library staff member can assist you by providing you the current Network key or settings to allow access to the wireless network. Information moved across the network is encrypted to help ensure data integrity. The library staff does not assist patrons in making adjustments to technical network settings. Printing is not allowed via the wireless network. Printing must be done from one of the public access computers. Below are two short visual tutorials that demonstrate the steps necessary to access the wireless network for the first time.


Windows XP Wireless Tutorial


Windows Vista Wireless Tutorial

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